Thursday, January 26, 2012

About Me

About Me

I have worked in childcare for almost ten years. The first three were in a before and after school program as the Lead Teacher of the First Grade Room (twenty four first graders, one lead teacher, three assistants).  For the past six years I have worked in home childcare.

My situation is a little bit different since I work out of a separate home we purchased for the sole purpose of opening a childcare.  It is licensed as a home-not a center.  It's super cute, if I do say so myself, and is an awfully fun place to work!

I job share with Amy who is insanely sweet and oh so wonderful.  I am SO lucky to have found her! Because of her I get to spend more time at home with my own children and can breathe easy because I know my business is in good hands.

I have three classes to go in order to complete my Bachelors Degree in Early Childhood Studies.  I have put those on hold until my youngest starts school.

I am married and have three children: Jordyn (20), Garrett (7) and Sarah (5).

The goal of this blog is to share some of my ideas and tips. I hope by doing so others will come here to do the same!

Happy reading!
